Maryam's photoblog

Monday, April 17, 2006

I'm free,free,free........................

Friday, April 14, 2006

Amazing!! the black Camels are shadows and the white spots are real Camels!!(Plan view!)
(Thanks to Loolie Kabir) Posted by Picasa

Hi! Posted by Picasa

Talbot Posted by Picasa

A park near my apartment Posted by Picasa

An awesome tree in the main quad Posted by Picasa

Another view of the Main Quad Posted by Picasa

Main Quad in spring Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Season of Flowers


ba sedaye jadooyie Ghamarolmolook Vaziri.
Please listen and enjoy!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

You are my first good memory of the America. Posted by Picasa

 Posted by Picasa

and I go up and down these stairs every day to grab coffee or tea. Posted by Picasa

I see this view everyday! Posted by Picasa

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Talbot Lab. The home of TAM. Posted by Picasa

This is my home in the UIUC. Today is a sad day. The univrsity Senate finally voted for the merger of the Departments of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering to form the new Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering and at last put an end to a long struggle between the two sides.
The ME dpartment which had the complete support of the Dean of College of Engineering only wanted to improve its ranking ( it is already 6!) and the TAM department wanted to survive because the spirit of the research in TAM is applied science and not damn "Enginering".
To me, it is totally disappointing because I undrestood that narrow minded and biased people are not only in IRAN. Even in the Univeristy of Illinois bias and irrationality can merge a 100 year old program. Let alone in IRAN and the 4 or five year old program of Mechanics of Structures in Sharif University. (May be it is my good fortune that my majors vanish one after the other!) However the good thing for us is that at least all the students who have entered TAM will graduate in TAM. We will not feel any changes except the change in this friendly environment. Life goes on and research goes on. But I will always love the first place in this country that welcomed me with its warm faculty,realy kind staff and freindly students. I am more certain than any time else that my choice has been right. I love you TAM! Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 03, 2006

Hallelujah (L.Cohen)

Click on Listen